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Bixby School’s Elective – Rules of Etiquette


Elective classes for the 4th and 5th graders are some of my favorite classes here at Bixby. We can change which classes we offer depending on the interests of our current students (and even their interest du jour.) Some of the classes I have offered in the past have been; Bike maintenance, Hunting for Dead Stuff, trail running, Euchre, gardening and wrestling. The all time favorite has to be Etiquette. This class has been offered for several years in a row and is a fun and appropriate fit. Students are starting to wonder “Will I fit in at Middle School?”,” Will I make friends?”, “Will I be liked?” We address many of these issues through role play activities such as how to tell a peer they have spinach in their teeth, pretend to meet someone’s famous grandparents or how to act if a friend loses a loved one. Emily Post is still part of our class! We go over how to set a table, introductions, thank you notes and table manners.The Grand Finale for this class is the Etiquette Lunch where students get to dress up,tie their ties, eat with the correct fork, and use their napkin. Keep your eyes out for these polite young adults!