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Cooking in Kindergarten

Cooking with kids can help get them interested in trying healthy foods they might not normally want to try. When they make it themselves, it is a feeling of accomplishment! During cooking club, we are reading recipes, and using math skills like counting, measuring, and sequencing. We are also building science awareness by observing, understanding time, discovering cause and effect, and measuring temperature. Students have to follow directions and demonstrate patience and self-control. After our cooking project is finished, and tasted, we write in our cooking journals. Some students write about the process, while other students list the ingredients we used. Thursday Cooking Clubs are a tradition at Bixby, and a huge hit with the Kindergarteners!

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I try integrating the cooking project with something we are learning in class. This week in Cooking Club, my students were rolling with laughter when they saw what was on the menu. I decided to recreate the food from our current read aloud, The BFG, by Roald Dahl. p1190712The main character is the BFG, who is the only giant in the story that does not eat human beans. Instead, he eats disgusterous Snozzcumbers (the only thing that grows in Giant Country), and enjoys drinking a pale green liquid called Frobscottle. Frobscottle is deliciously sweet, and tastes of vanilla, cream, with the faintest traces of raspberries. The interesting thing about Frobscottle, is that the bubbles in your tummy travel downwards, making you whizzpop (toot)! So, we made Snozzcumber sandwiches and Frobscottle. The students enjoyed the delightfully mischievous sense of humor, and they too were whizzpopping all day long!