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Discovering Boulder’s Bridgewalk Pond

Last week Emily and I had the wonderful opportunity to take a group of Preschoolers on a walk to Bridgewalk Pond during group time. It was a beautiful fall day with the sun shinning bright and the breeze blowing through the leaves as Cowboy, Emily’s dog, led the charge. We stopped to examine some interesting bugs, and later paused to take in the beauty of the Flatirons. After a quick stop to learn a new safety song, the group continued on their way.

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As we reached our destination we began to make predictions about what kinds of things we might see. Guesses included ducks, frogs and jaguars. We walked carefully along the boardwalk and listened to the bugs buzzing through the tall reeds on either side of us. When img_2313the reeds opened up we could see the pond covered in its late summer blanket of green algae. As we were wondering about what might be living in the water below, Lisa and the kindergarten class walked around the corner. The children said a cheerful hello to one another and began to excitedly share what they had seen. After a nice visit, the kindergarteners said goodbye and the preschoolers continued to explore the pond and look for wildlife before heading back to Bixby.

Living outside is a big part of my life and a large reason why I moved to Colorado. It brings me a tremendous amount of joy to work at a school that puts such a strong emphasis on outdoor education. In a world of increasing screen time and virtual realities, it is crucial to give kids the opportunity to engage with the real outside world. Between Bixby’s amazing on-campus outdoor areas (seriously—if you haven’t taken a tour yet you definitely should!) and the surrounding neighborhood parks and ponds, there is a wealth of nature for Bixby students to explore!