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Welcome Back Bixby Preschoolers!


PastedGraphic-1The preschool program had an amazing first week back to school! It was so wonderful to see all our smiling classmates and families once again. Our new students who joined us over the summer have transitioned so nicely into our lives and community that it feels like they have always been here. And our returning classmates and families have been so welcoming to our new comers; it never ceases to warm my heart.

The children began to learn their weekly routine with all our talented specialty teachers, while being supported by our dedicated preschool teachers. Some new classes and groups they joined last week were: age defined group times, swim groups, music groups, and gym class. This week our French and Spanish programs will start up as well.

Please keep an eye out for our many different fall community-building events! First up, is Preschool Parents’ Night from 6-7:30 p.m. on September 13th. We hope to see you all there.