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¡Feliz Año Nuevo!

Hola. ¿Empezaron bien el nuevo año?

We are in the middle of our school year and today I want to tell you what your children are learning in Spanish class.

In Spanish 1 we are studying the days of the week. We are listening to the story “Las brujas del bosque” (“The Forest Witches”). Children are learning a song to remember the days of the week in Spanish and eventually they will act the book out. Ask your children to sing it to you!

Also, if your child is in first grade, he/she can tell you about the Mayas. This study is part of the Ancient Civilization Unit. The first graders will compare the pyramids built by the Ancient Egyptians with those built by the Ancient Mayas. This is a very interesting cross-curriculum unit that children love!

Students in Spanish 2 are starting to get serious about Spanish. They are learning the basis of the language: they are looking at the pronouns (yo, tú, él, ella, nosotros/as, ustedes, ellos/as) to be able to learn about conjugation and how to tackle it in a friendly way. This unit helps them better understand their own language, like the fact that the pronoun “you” can be used in a singular or in a plural sentence.

Meanwhile, the kids in Spanish 3 are mastering the conjugation of regular verbs with games. They are also practicing how to ask and answer common questions. Test your child: “¿Qué hora es?” or “¿Cuál es tu libro favorito?”

Finally, in Spanish 5 we are having fun reading a chapter book titled “Berto y sus buenas ideas” (Berto and his Good Ideas) while we review the trickery of the ser and estar verbs.

Also, kids in 4th and 5th grades can join our Elective Class to make a piñata. They will be donated to Bixby and filled with goodies to be auctioned in March.

As an activity for the whole elementary school, we are having una encuesta, a poll, with two questions: “¿Cuál es tu deporte favorito?” (What is your favorite sport?) and “¿Qué deporte juegas?” (What sport do you play?). If you are interested in knowing the results, come to this Friday Assembly (Jan 20) to find out!