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I’ll Take Some Spanish With My Fruit Loops

This week we made necklaces out of Fruit Loops so the first graders could learn the colors in Spanish. They learned the words for red, green, blue, yellow and orange. Each child took a turn telling the rest of the class which two colors to put on their necklace. There were so many opportunities to practice our colors, and the children took it very seriously. They looked great once they were finished, but I doubt any made it home – By the end of the day, most were eaten! It was an exciting hands-on project. They got to wear their necklaces and eat them when they were finished. A few of the older kids ended up making necklaces during their free time because the necklaces were such a hit!

Some other classes started learning the days of the week by practicing a song. It was almost perfect after only one class. I was so impressed by their quickness and enthusiasm. It is not always easy to get up and sing in front of everyone, but because of the respect that each of the kids have for one another, they all sang and many ended up dancing. Since the children trust each other and me, they were ready to take that risk together. There is nothing better than seeing an intrinsic joy of learning in our Bixby students!