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Authentic Learning

A two year old puts on her sock all by herself.

A three year old folds up a blanket and pushes it tightly into his backpack.

A four year old rolls a snowball around the playground until it is fat and round.

A five year old cuts, folds and tapes scraps of paper together.

These simple, yet important tasks we take for granted as adults, shape the vibrant learning experiences of our Preschoolers. The simplicity and significance of these moments are quite profound from a teaching standpoint. Through repetition of daily challenges and patience, we support confidence and motivation to investigate and solve real world problems from a relevant context.

I observe these challenges in many different capacities throughout each school day. One example is during each swim session as the 2-5 year olds are expected to get out of the pool, hang up suits, get dressed, dry their hair, put their towel and basket away, all while navigating several other peers in a small space. It is quite outstanding to watch their progression over the course of the school year. By January, we find the swim groups moving swiftly through these sometimes arduous routines with limited adult assistance.

Real world relevance is paramount in the planning and curricular process at Bixby. Whether it is working through everyday routines or introducing new materials to the environment, intention is crucial on noticing the children’s interests and perspectives. As we veer away from rigid, goal-oriented activities we invite opportunities to explore and manipulate materials and ideas while practicing the art of hearing all viewpoints. Sustaining investigation, collaborating with peers and reflecting on experiences with each other create rich and meaningful moments.