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Back To School Night – Thursday, September 14, 2017

It’s an hour before back to school night. I’m in my classroom, cleaning my board as best as I can, even though some expo marker just refuses to come off. I’m wiping down the tables, clearing loose papers on my desk, and picking up pencils and markers that have been scattered about from the day’s classes. Looking around my room, my thoughts begin to speed up. Am I prepared enough? What if they ask hard questions? Will they like me? When I stop and think about the anxiety I’m feeling, I realize I am having the same concerns many of our students have on the first day of school. We are not as different from our students and children as we may think! Taking a deep breathe, I calm myself and become excited about seeing old parents, meeting new ones, and being able to share my classroom with our Bixby families.

Back-to-School night is a benchmark of the fall that tells us school is fully underway. Though it can make me nervous, it is also very exciting! It’s an important evening that begins the conversation between parents and teachers. Teachers have the unique opportunity to express their personal teaching philosophies, classroom goals, and provide parents a glimpse of what life is like inside their classroom. When trust is built and communication open, teachers and parents form a strong alliance. The relationship between parents and teachers is essential in providing the best support to our students and children.

With so many teachers, it is nearly impossible to see all the classes. Review the schedule before hand and make it to the ones you can! If you are unable to attend, please reach out to the teachers via email or at pick up/drop off to set up a time to meet and ask questions. All teachers will place their grade specific, content area handouts in Friday Folders after Back-to-School night. We look forward to seeing you then!