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Bixby’s Pool

Hello! My name is Tim Blair, and I’m the new swim teacher at Bixby School. I am very happy to become a member of the Bixby family. I have enjoyed getting to know the kids and helping them develop new swim skills or enhance their previous skills. It has been great to see so many students loving the water!

In the preschool and kindergarten classes, the focus is on water safety and confidence. Kids can be very hesitant in the water, so it is important to get them comfortable with the water as soon as possible. I am working with these students on strong kicks and floating skills. They are playing many games and enjoying every minute.


1st-5th graders are working on their skill development and endurance. The kids are all great in the water and enthusiastic to come to class. After a warm-up and a skill development lesson, the kids can earn a game. Whether the kids are competing in relay races, playing under-water charades, or having a jump contest, they are always having fun and continuing to enjoy having swim in their weekly schedules.

Bixby is also excited to announce that the pool is now a salt-water pool. Salt water is less of an irritant on the skin and produces a softer-feeling water.