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WHY is there swimming at Bixby?

Early in our school’s history, Pat and Bart would take students to Scott Carpenter pool to swim. They noticed that students were better able to focus and participate in school activities after swimming. So, when they were designing our current facility, including a pool was a necessary not just a “nice to have”.  What Pat and Bart observed is supported both by research and also by experience. Here are some of the reasons why swimming is a valuable part of a child’s early learning and development and why swimming is a key part of a Bixby education:

  1. Swimming is a skill that helps kids keep themselves safe
  2. Healthy risk taking – Learning to swim can be scary and challenging at first, but it teaches kids the value of taking on challenges and persevering.
  3. Swimming requires coordination and multi-tasking, which are useful skills for students as they learn to take notes, listen to lectures and solve problems.
  4. Swimming is a uniquely tactile experience, which can also help teach small children about situational awareness and their surroundings. When they head to school, studies show that they are better prepared to deal with sensory learning as they experience new things.
  5. Boosts blood flow for better cognitive function
  6. Improves mood and memory
  7. It’s great, non-impact exercise
  8. It can be enjoyed as a group or as an individual activity
  9. Swimming is a lifelong sport

* The list above was created using resources found online at: Griffith University, Brain Benefits of Swimming, Swimming World Magazine, and Bear Paddle Swim School.