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International Walk to School Day At Bixby School

Wednesday October 5th is International Walk to School Day. It all began in 1997, when the Partnership for a Walkable America sponsored the first National Walk Our Children to School Day in Chicago, modeled after the United Kingdom’s lead. Back then, it was simply a day to bring community leaders and children together to create awareness of the need for communities to be walkable.

By the year 2002, children, parents, teachers, and community leaders in all 50 states joined nearly 3 million walkers around the world to celebrate the second annual International Walk to School Day. The reasons for walking grew just as fast as the event itself.


Whether your concern is safer and improved streets, healthier habits, or cleaner air, Walk to School Day events are aimed at bringing forth permanent change to encourage a more walkable America- one community at a time.


dscf7490I am challenging the entire Bixby community- students, families, and faculty to walk, bike, scooter, carpool and bus to this fun event. Join us for treats, sign the poster, and socialize with other community members this Wednesday morning. Of course, feel free to “walk to school” whatever day or days this week that works best for you. Be safe, have fun, and let’s get active together!!