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The Bixby Auction

I look forward to this event every year. The Bixby Auction. It’s our school’s biggest fundraiser, and every year I have an absolute blast! I love anticipating the theme, seeing the decorations and the costumes some attendees wear, and playing some of the casino games. As a teacher, I often interact with parents and co-workers alike in a professional setting. Sure, I may have the opportunity to catch up with teachers who have classrooms near mine, or with whom I have somehow made a connection via some commonality, whether it’s a sport team or TV show, but so many of our interactions are confined to the work setting. The same goes for parents. Exchanges often do not have the opportunity to go beyond the surface. We might catch up on how their child is doing in the classroom, or what are some supports I find might be helpful at home. When and if we chat in a social way, it’s often short. “How was your weekend?” “How have you been?” “Oh, I have to run, class is starting!” It simply is hard to get to know one another while at work, or while on the way to or from work. At the Auction, I talk with parents I normally may not have the chance to converse with, see an alumni or retired teacher, or I talk to former teachers or alumni parents I may have never met before. This is where The Bixby Auction becomes a pillar of what builds and strengthens our wonderful, loving community. It is the perfect opportunity to connect more deeply and personally with the people of Bixby we see and don’t see everyday.

As teachers, we are asked to donate an experience to the auction. For the past few years, I have offered a bowling and pizza party. I always enjoy hanging out with former students in grades that I do not teach, and meeting younger ones I have yet to meet. Some of the students who came bowling this past weekend have been attending this event with me for the past three years! It’s becoming a tradition and a personal benchmark of spring.

For the auction, teachers and parents alike donate their time and energy to host an event that brings the community together. Not all families could attend the event, but many still reached out and contributed in other ways. Some parents helped construct a grade level project. Others loaned a hand in creating decorations or helped with set-up/cleanup. Participating in the silent and live auction is another way parents and teachers both contribute to the Bixby. This year our paddle raised funds for teachers to pursue professional development. I look forward to seeing what manifests from this generous opportunity.

The Bixby Auction is a unique, genuinely fun tradition that is central to the success and future of Bixby School. So many people come together to celebrate the close-knit community that has been fostered over the years. I have been working here for almost seven years now, and I feel so fortunate to consider myself apart of this school. I feel truly supported and cared about in this community.

Thank you to all the parents, teachers and administrators who helped contribute to this years’ Auction.